

We would like to inform you that the submission period for the 8th International Children's Film and Television Festival "KINOSVET" has ended!

Dear Friends!

We would like to inform you that the submission period for the 8th International Children’s Film and Television Festival «KINOSVET» has ended!

No more films will be accepted this year. For those who didn’t manage to submit their entries, we look forward to seeing your works next year.

🎉We will announce the nominees on August 15🎉

This year our festival will take place in autumn 2024 in Minsk, the exact dates are to be confirmed.


  • Development of cinematography;
  • Moral upbringing of children and adolescents;
  • Forming of young people’s personality through cinema;
  • Introducing the younger generation to spiritual culture;
  • Increasing the interest in youth film production globally.
  • Enriching the world with kind films that portray humane ideas and moral values to make it brighter;
  • Reviving children’s, youth, and family cinema;
  • Drawing global attention to social issues related to children, those in need, and nature;
  • Promoting true, universal spiritual values;
  • Educating a new generation of filmmakers;
  • Expanding and strengthening ties among filmmakers from different countries working for children and youth;
  • Drawing the attention of governmental, public, and commercial organisations to the support of children’s and family filmmaking, as well as encouraging young filmmakers.

«KINOSVET» Festival is a spiritual and moral event aimed at supporting moral values, promoting goodness worldwide and healthy lifestyle through personal example. Therefore, there are certain rules at our festival.

The following is prohibited on the festival grounds:

1. Consumption of any alcoholic, tobacco, or narcotic products.
2. Any aggressive and disrespectful behavior.
3. Profanity.
4. Any disrespectful treatment of food.

The festival’s selection committee gives priority to films addressing friendship, loyalty, unity, honor, love, compassion, mercy, respect, diligence, responsibility, patience, sincerity, and other moral values.

Films should not contain:
— Scenes and plots that offend the feelings of believers (of various denominations and religions);
— Plots and frames advertising or promoting drugs, alcohol, smoking, and other bad habits;
— Scenes of cruelty and violence;
— Profanity and indecent expressions.


Everyone knows that you can’t make a movie without light, so the cinematographers use a lot of spotlights. But no one talks about the light that a movie brings!

To get the light in your movie you need to tune your main device — your Soul.

The aim of «KINOSVET» project is to support and encourage moral development of talented youth.

This project gathers children and teenagers, as well as adults who like the ideas of morality, spirituality, faith, knowledge of oneself, one’s soul and nature through the art of cinema, animation and television.

Our festival brings together like-minded creative individuals to:
— analyze and support their creativity;
-teach the basics of film and television making with the participation of world-class professionals,
-to give them the opportunity to further promote their works;
-and most importantly, to talk to them about what matters most — about the meaning of life, nobility and generosity, about cinematography, about how our creativity can influence the world, about how to develop their talent.

Festival «KINOSVET» is a space that brings together people from different countries, cultures and religions to create together the cinema that will change our world for the better, make it brighter and kinder!